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Proiection- design exhibition: the basics

Use color to create centers of interest up to use blanks and Design Exposition in store can become a vendor value of the team, if you do it right.

Marcheting visually attractive stores means an arrangement of products in shop windows and shelves – one that entices customers to buy. Presentation of products, often known as the “quiet seller” has a significant impact on the rates of purchase from the store. Studies have found that a correct design of the exhibition can increase sales by approximately -540%.

Sesignul store and ordering the correct showcases and shelves is a profession in all respects. But even if you do not have the budget to hire a designer, care to respect certain basic principles can help you present your products in an attractive way and to transform active freight sales agent.

Fashion shoe store shelf

Create centers of attraction

Try to examine your window in terms objective and to determine – at what point focuses the viewer? eyes turn to a clear well-determined area or wandered, disoriented, everywhere? Point your central / Main is located at a height too high or too low for the average customer?

Psychological experiments have shown repeatedly that people learn the world around them, especially the sense of sight. Create a hotbed for your exhibition, and this will make it easier for buyers as a simple view to quickly learn the state’s supply store – the products are available to them and that promotions should not miss.

Talk to them

As we have shown in the past, the intelligent use of the display helps to create a positive shopping experience and increase sales. is the effective display messages using clear, attractive and short. Use a combination between exposure and display products to customers tells a story to clarify why should stop – and take out your credit card. Whether it is a sign indicating a certain percentage of discount offered products exposed, or if there is an announcement indicating that it’s a new collection or limited, make sure you use short verbal message for your products

With as many as possible (products), so much the better

The cliché says “Far from his eyes away from his heart” – and the same is true when it comes to display products in stores. The display is well designed and effective way to attract customer exposure to a large amount of goods entering the heart of her client. However, it is important that showcase not be messy or unkempt. To the extent possible, consider using a circular exposure – to make sure that buyers will see a large number of items at once. If your store is spacious lobbies, consider placing showcases in their center, so customers dvs.sa not be able to ignore them and stop to examine products on them.

Take advantage of empty spaces wisely

Many shop owners tend not to use the dead space located between the ceiling and shelves of goods. You can use them for hanging ads that provide information about products or brands that are sold in your store, you hung testimonials from satisfied customers or focus on a particular supplier or designer. Another option is to display aerial images to help customers make the connection between the products sold in the shop and upgrade their everyday life. Thus, for example, over the furniture in the sofas dimtr a furniture store will display the image of a family smiling extinct into each other on a couch or in mu watch store displays an image of a man wearing a luxury watch at a luxury restaurant. In signs of this type will be created in the minds of customers a link between the products offered for sale there and the quality of life.

Video marketing is a complex issue and there are hundreds of ideas on which to deliberate and to choose from. The above tips are a great starting point to design your store, use them to make your shopping experience a memorable one in the store.

This post is based on an article published in the original HERE.

| 17/02/2017

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