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15 Ideas to increase sales in The store

Retail world  is a highly competitive world. Every business owner wants more buyers. In fact, he wants your customers. We collected 15 ideas to help you keep your distance in front of your competitors and customers to you.

  • First impression: The first 10 seconds spent by the customer in the store sets the tone for the entire shopping experience. What impression leaves your store? Check it daily. Click here for tips on presentation design from the store.
  • Make a check at the store every day before opening. Starts from the front door, and strictly controls all the space. Visit every passage, every niche, every bathroom. Make a list of all problems that require intervention before the store opens.


  • Create lines of slowdown “to see the Shop” said Donald R. Lichtenstein, professor of marketing at the University of Colorado. The settlement dining presentation space in the center forcing buyers to stop, to look up products and / preparations at their eye level. the more attractive and more accessible presentation is, the greater the chances that customers pick up products presented – and from there go shopping basket is short.
  • full hands – less purchases: providing shopping carts or baskets customers to make their shopping experience more efficient and you get rewards. US studies have found that the use of these aids makes shoppers to spend more money and stay longer in your store. It is recommended to place carts and baskets in from the store hotspots and well known to train and direct sellers to offer their customers to use. Remember, once the client’s hands are full, he tends to finish the purchase.
  • Accessibility: For the most part, Israeli law exempts small businesses to ensure disabled access. However, as indicated in the site “Accessibility in Israel”, accessibility to your business means opening the doors to other buyers; so it recommends:
  1. Install a ramp at the entrance to the store with a degree incline to 12% and a minimum width of 75 cm,
  2. The width of the door should be a minimum of 75 cm.
  3. The width of the crossings should be about 100 cm.
  4. The height of where it performs sales must be between 80 and 90 cm.

Talk to them through the display: Did you know? 70% of purchase decisions are made at the store. The display serves to this important purpose, function as a silent salesman and helps orient buyers until a seller becomes available. Professional display, clear and obvious is critical in store orientation and communication with the client. For more tips on creating a display in the store click here.

  • The wall behind the cashier a display area is important and should not be neglected. Use it to present new products, promotions and merchandise that buy on a whim.
  • If our business lies in impulse: an excellent way to increase the amount is to introduce advantageous products, efficient / complementary products presented by the cash register.
  • Keep items that customers tend to forget that under the cash register. Thus, when they buy and say “I forgot to take and ____, buy it next time,” the cashier will be able to offer it to them. Customer shopping experience is so improved cashier becomes a processor sales and benefits.
  • Quiet we work: cashiers and staff must be trained not to gather near the cash register and talk, except that they help the customer.
  • Open for business: Make sure that the store is open in in hours and days where customers can come to buy. This means that the opening is made before the start of general work hours, and closes only after their end, and are extended on weekends.
  • Availability: Decide on a systematic policy of receiving telephone calls that apply to all staff. Make sure you answer the phone after three chimes, the answer is polite and efficient, and the waiting time on the phone is up to 45 seconds.
  • Know the inventory: Verify that the product that you are going to order it somehow was not already in the warehouse and you just forgot. For more tips about managing inventory here.
  • It is important to refresh the presentation of the windows regularly and to examine carefully – whether to show the best (strongest) offers / products and if it is appealing enough?
  • Take a few minutes each day to look at your customers. This habit will help you defend new ideas to improve the shopping experience.

This post is based on an article published in the original in-Kizer & Bender’s Retail Adventures

| 07/12/2016

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