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Childish, baseless and ridiculous: 10 games for the busy manager

Gadgets that will make your life more comfortable and tidy, but will help you break the ice at

any business meeting

The manager;s life is difficult. The long hours, dedication required, need to be available and

responsive around the clock. The world is so demanding, we need all the help we can get

from outside, and if it comes in the gadget that saves time, optimizes work or just upgrading

the appearance – so much the better. We have gathered for you, the managers, 10 games –

these 5 that will make your life more comfortable or arranged and 5 you really do not need

but sure will help you break the ice at any business meeting.

Most of the USB portable memory available in the market today constitute a potential

security breach in any company, due to the ease with which it can introduce viruses to

computer networks. In addition, in case it is stolen USB, generally, the information stored on

the thief can access them without any effort. As managers, we often store sensitive

information in the memory cell, we would not want to fall into the wrong hands. Use one

with password and when 10 password are incorrect will automatically deletes all data on the


Get information and use one secure and very strong, an product itself made of aluminum

outside, filled epoxy all interior spaces. Memory also waterproof to a depth of one meter that

it seems that he can survive in a variety of scenes from James Bond to which you may


1. USB portable memory with physically password

Most of the USB portable memory available in the market today constitute a potential

security breach in any company, due to the ease with which it can introduce viruses to

computer networks. In addition, in case it is stolen USB, generally, the information stored on

the thief can access them without any effort. As managers, we often store sensitive

information in the memory cell, we would not want to fall into the wrong hands. Use one

with password and when 10 password are incorrect will automatically deletes all data on the


Get Information and use one secure and very strong, an product itself made of aluminum

outside, filled epoxy all interior spaces. Memory also waterproof to a depth of one meter that

it seems that he can survive in a variety of scenes from James Bond to which you may


2 for iPhone is both a battery and drive storage

The average user, 24-35 aged, sends 35 messages a day and checking his mobile device about

110 times a day. Also end-users can reach to press up 900 keys on the device.

As managers, we are getting and sending dozens of emails a day from the cell phone, take

pictures (mostly of white boards on the walls of the meeting rooms), receive and send

messages, manage tasks, and more. All of these demands require an device battery good in


You just need a protective cover for iPhone which is also an extra rechargeable battery, and a

place of storage device expansion. The cover comes with a storage volume of 16, 32 or 64

gigabytes, and a variety of colors. According to the company, additional battery improves the

life of the device for 100% and it’s not a bad tool for those who have 10% battery at 13:00. Of

course, the product is accompanied by an application for managing files stored on the

storage of Space Pack.

3.Kensington Absolute Power Charger

Kensington super Charger is perfect for those of you who spend most of their time away from

the office and consume valuable time looking for a variety of electrical outlets to charge

smartphone, laptop, tablet – together or separately. The Absolute Power is suitable for

batteries of all types of laptops you can not imagine (except of Mac laptops) and can charge

up to three devices simultaneously. Kensington laptop charger comes with different types of

connectors that fit laptops of most companies, and most importantly,his dimensions and

weight of the case did not weigh heavily.

4.The portable scanner

The average manager have many business trips, during which he meets colleagues and

customers, visiting exhibitions, exchanging business cards, receive newsletters, receipts of

monetary and other expenses. Often it is also required to perform basic office functions such

as replication and send documents.

Doxie offers a portable scanner that weighs less than 400 grams, and the size is identical to

power strips with five connections. Beyond the standard electrical connection, the scanner

can also run on 4 AAA batteries (those that are used for remote of air conditioners and

televisions). It comes with an application that works for the vast majority of operating

systems available today, and can scan a document in full color, 300 dpi quality within 8

seconds. Impressive.

5. Future credit card

Business travel has been planned, did you remember to take your plastic card Ben-Gurion

rapid transition? And a credit card? And business visa? What about your frequent flyer card?

If the average traveler go with a suitcase out of the country, the average manager should have

just the tickets.

Coin, a young and promising company, offers credit cards that look like they were torn from

digital futuristic movie. Smart Card comes with an iPhone application that allows saving of

endless credit cards, and a recordable on device up to 8 tickets. All that remains is to select

the relevant card when using Coin.

Since the card is the same size as of a credit card, you can not load it or change his battery.

Therefore, the life span of the average Coin Card is two years and after the users will have to

purchase a new one. Disclosure – the article about Coin card purchased at the time of writing

recommends to any undecided voters to read the section questions / answers on site of Coin.

By the way, the company is scheduled to launch its first cards in the coming weeks.

6. The rear view mirror on the computer screen

Many offices are distributed in a non-optimal spaces, and sometimes what to do, our

computer screen facing toward the hallway door or window. The guys at CHIMP decided to

show initiative and provide managers with paranoid special mirror attachments for each

corner of the computer screen. Realized directed for you and ready for those that creep

behind you and may be exposed to yours private or classified material.

7.DLP Pico projector Sekonix

Imagine the following scenario: conference room full of people of the highest level of your

company. You are supposed to make a presentation, but alas! The projector broke down. You

easily retrieve your key ring, the Sekonix DLP Pico, the smallest projector in the world, give a

presentation, and reap compliments from wall to wall. This little one projector, suitable for

every budget (almost) can project on any smooth surface quality of a DVD. Simply plug it to

smartphone, tablet or PC and click Play.

8. Alcohol Level gadget for iPhone

From time to time a client comes from abroad and must take a business dinner. As the most

important customer, the wine bottles at dinner will be qualitative, and many more. Usually,

you find yourself going out to dinner straight from the office and after home with the car.

The Breathometer allows you to test the blood alcohol level before going on the wheel.

Product connects to the headphone jack on the iPhone, and with the help of a dedicated

application, displays the user’s alcohol level. The device appreciates how long it will take

until you return from sobriety situation and you can drive safely. We think this is a

mandatory device, that a good manager is first and foremost a live director.

9. Golden cufflinks are also USB

Invited to speak at elegant dinner and do not want to spoil the appearance with plastic USB

unattractive? Store your information on your cufflinks gold-plated will function and also fit

to your suit! Making the list of absurd gadgets we found this piece on ShopBop and comes to

you straight from China. Two mobile memories, one for each hand, with memory capacity of

GB2, also used like gold plated cufflinks. Technology has never disguised more chic.

10.Sanitary cover for iPhone

Stanford University researchers examined mobile devices with touch screens somewhere in

2010 and found that the average smartphone occupies 18 times more bacteria than a handle

from bathroom . Shocked?

Exactly why they invented the next device – charger iPhone sanitation. This little device will

ensure that when your mobile is loaded also will be thorough disinfection process using

ultraviolet rays. It supports almost all types of smartphones and comes with a special

acoustic amplifiers so you can continue enjoying your music while mobile goes disinfection.

The price? 64 dollars, but when it comes to health, who’s counting?

| 20/09/2016

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