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Five issues which drive the buyers – and how to fix them

For small and medium retailers it is difficult to keep the rate. The modern world of retail is more competitive than ever requires the installation of specialized applications, installing the latest technological advances in every branch and perfect shopping experience multi-channel, order to keep up with the big chains that dictate and get to submit their requirements. Fortunately, much of the competition for the hearts of buyers has not affected this arena, and in fact, the real fight is relatively easy to win – this according to a new US market research firm, Paul Harris.

The study, conducted among more than 2,000 Americans aged 18 and over, checked that are pushing more points on most buyers, and the results will amaze you.

Basic aspects like cleanliness and high maintenance makes a big difference if buyers will come back or abandon a shop.


78% of respondents noted “bad smell” as the most problematic factor for them. Not far behind were located the following points:

  • 66% of the respondents mentioned as dirty toilets problem – from mirrors and up cabins
  • 65% of respondents indicated that repulsive dirty surfaces – from the dust on the shelves and until the window or dirty floor.
  • 60% of respondents said that a front / neglected aspect (overflowing ashtrays, trash on the floor), will cause them not to return to the store.
  • 56% of the respondents indicated the issue of chambers of sample / that are not properly maintained as a factor to abandon the store. Moreover, women are more susceptible than men to state chambers of sample – 65% of respondents mentioned this problem, compared with 47% of respondents.

The survey is auspicious for small retailers, because these issues scare buyers can be solved easily. Maybe you do not have budgets to develop an app for your store and you will not race with Amazon, but you can certainly put easily apply these suggestions to avoid these mistakes and remain competitive even in the face of major participants.

Keep a clean shop

Uses cleaning services or assign about their daily business  of cleaning by the  employees. In both cases, pay special attention to the bathroom and changing rooms. You can create a program and assign to your employees to areas you checked every hour and they need to be cleaned.Uses cleaning services or assign about their daily business of cleaning the employees. In both cases, pay special attention to the bathroom and changing rooms. You can create a program and assign to your employees to areas you checked every hour and the need to be cleaned. Basic cleaning work, such as cleaning the dust from the windows, workers will be able to do at times when store traffic is low. Large cleaning chores like vacuuming and / or washing the floors must be made at the beginning or end of the workday when the store is not open.

Make sure maintenance of the store

Broken locks on lockers and drainage problems affecting toilets or sinks on the list of issues that drive the buyers. A fix these problems as they arise and keeping an updated list of plumbers, electricians, locksmiths and other professionals trust that you or your employees will contact them immediately if necessary.

The lighting

A good lighting has more influence than you think. Problems such as faint lighting in the rooms of sample / dressing or flashing can make water run 40% of customers. If the store is not well lit, the products will not be shown ideally. More than this, a low light can be a safety problem for elder customers  and parking or walkways to the entrance with low light can cause women to think twice before coming to the store after dark

The environment store

The shiny store and bright is not enough – “retail environment” should be representative. Trash in the parking lot or near the entrance, which was overflowing dustbins and unkempt appearance did not help attract buyers. Take a look outside your store every morning, and if there are any problems, contact the landlord immediately, before problems strike you sales.

The security

The study showed that slippery floors, discourages 52% of buyers. More than this, unsafe conditions can lead to expensive lawsuits in case of an accident involving a customer or employee. Ask your employees to immediately report any safety problem, so that you can straighten as soon as possible.

The silence

More than 4 in 10 respondents reported loud music is caused by: ringing phones, a problematic employee, boisterous, would stop to return to the store. Of course, this specific treatment will vary according to the target audience, pensioners are more sensitive to noise than teenagers. However, maintaining reasonable levels of noise will help to keep customers happy.

The air conditioner

The store that is too hot or too cold scare 30% of shoppers, and more men than women indicate of this parameter as of problem, and will make your business to leave for a more enjoyable place. Maintain a pleasant temperature while maintaining The store and electricity expenses, reasonable. For example, turn on the air conditioning earlier, when the place is free for buyers and not just after becoming unbearably hot, and this will help keep the temperature cool without air conditioners to work too hard.

This post is based on an article published in the original HERE.

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| 07/12/2016

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