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Fly at height: bring out the best out of your team


Every manager wants to make the best of the best from its employees, but as anyone who has done it knows, this is not a trivial task. In fact, most business owners – from those who deal with small operations to large organizations, and from those who are directors of companies – wake up frustrated by the performance of their employees.

Studies show that a large majority of workers, up to 70% are emotionally disconnected from their work. How to change this situation in your business? By using common sense, empathy and zero expenses.

The spirit of Commander

It’s always surprising to discover that some managers expect their employees to follow the rules which have manifested themselves contempt. Make sure there is an ongoing daily activity dignified and respectful, both for business and human level.

Providing a good example of sensible and ethical behavior, both as a man and as well as a businessman, your employees will appreciate. Nobody looks at those who do not respect, but we all tend to imitate people who are a model for us. Personal example does not cost anything, but achieve very much.

Showing interest in employees’ professional future

Researches shows that successful companies allow employees to grow professionally and encourages them to do so. Each manager can implement this business practice, easily.

It starts from the assumption that every employee would like to climb the salary ladder. Demonstrating a real interest career ambitions of staff and giving aid workers seeking to acquire professional skills they need to succeed, is a sure way to build loyalty over the years.

Great – but not too high

It is recommended to set goals that will be a challenge for your employees, but not unattainable. The proper procedure is to set formal targets available for business success and and also in everyday behavior. Let your staff see your high standards and excellence you can expect your team to the limits of the ability to create a sense of confidence, and meeting goals will motivate employees to emulate himself from one task to another.

Give honest and deeply feedback regularly

Honesty is the key word here. Real feedback can be positive or negative. You do not have that as a manager in turn, close your eyes or avoid reaching some heavy issues and / or sensitive to the workers, but equally we must not ignore their achievements. If staff members do not receive regular feedback, how to know if you have reached your expectations or if you need to reassess their route? How to give your employees the ability and 100% of their efforts, if your expectations are not clearly defined, putting way as to rely on them in their self-assessment?

You know your employees?

Who wants to get the maximum from his team must get to know their people and understand them, at least to a certain level. Invest time in getting to know your employees. Discover, even in practical terms, what concern them, what bothers them, what they care about and what motivates them. It is about money? Man? Praise? the chance to spend more time with his children? The possibilities are many. The better you know your team, the more chances of leading better.

In conclusion

None of the ideas listed above is not revolutionary or complicated, they are all based on elementary logic and common sense – and many managers still cling to complex theories about developing a business, but do not realize anything. Try these tips to put into effect some time and will record a double success: employees are excited and eager to help you get better results at the business.

This post is based on an article published in the original HERE.

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| 07/12/2016

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